Sunday, April 9, 2017

First Survey

I conducted survey number one on Friday for the a.m. and p.m. AP Psychology classes. That's fifty responses!

I do not want to speak too soon about the results of the survey because I still need the responses from the teachers (hopefully on Monday) and I do not want to in any way impact the results for psychology students who may read this blog. That said, I can say that between both classes, 40% of the students are male, and 60% are female, 74% of the students are an age between 13 and 15, and 26% between 16 and 18.

The scores range across the board, but no, there is no score that is "good" or "bad." I was asked that question a lot, especially by the students of the p.m. class (they seem a bit more competitive). The a.m. class did great; they were very quiet throughout the process, and quick to submit their results. The p.m. class had more issues. The students were more noisy, and it took about twice as long for all of them to submit their surveys, about twenty minutes instead of the ten from the morning class. Because of this, I do have concerns that some of the students of the p.m. class may have cheated and played the game multiple times to improve their score despite having been asked not to and informed as to how this skews and invalidates data. Because my sample size will be fairly large, especially with the teachers, I am not worried that the results of a few students will impact the experiment overall.

I am excited to introduce the music... that should be interesting.

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