Friday, February 10, 2017

Just Getting Started

This week I became an official volunteer at St. Joseph's Hospital so that I could work in Dr. Elliott Mufson's lab at Barrow Neurological. The hospital staff here are extremely friendly and are just as eager as I am for me to get started. They are also very helpful with directions, as this campus is huge and I am lost constantly.

The Mufson lab uses human brain tissue to study primarily Alzheimer's Disease, and more recently, Down Syndrome, as the two disorders have the shared occurrence of tau tangles and plaques that are thought to cause the problems with neurological function and the development of dementia common in affected individuals. While I do not yet know much more than this, I have a few research papers to read that I am sure will go into more detail.

This is only my second day in the lab, so I do not have much about which to write. Next week, because it will be my first full week, will likely have much more activity. Also, starting next week on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I will be attending the Neurological Music Therapy Services of Arizona's (NMTSA) music therapy sessions, first as an observer, but then hopefully as a participant.

My opportunities and responsibilities as an intern will not be completely clear until next week. Whatever they may be, I look forward to the experience and will learn as much as I can about music and its workings in the brain.

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